👷 CNDO #39: Live from KubeCon

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🔴 Live show from KubeCon, Thursday the 9th!

Nirmal and I will be live with friends from the floor of KubeCon to talk about the latest news and goings-on.
*Reminder* we're on Standard Time (EST) now (UTC-5) here in the U.S. Click the YouTube 🔔 Notify Me to get your reminder.

Live from KubeCon! Cloud Native DevOps: Q&A (Ep 240)
Nirmal and I will be live with friends from the floor of KubeCon to talk about the latest news and goings-on. *Reminder* we’re on Standard time (EST) now (UT…

🗓️ What's new this week

KubeCon Chicago

If you're at KubeCon this week, well, you're probably not reading this newsletter until you get back home and after a weekend of sleep! Any conference is rough, but with KubeCon having a lot of day zero events and a 2-day Cloud Native Rejekts before that, we're talking six long days of cloud native. Whew!

I'm still in the middle of it, so next week, I hope to recap some of my thoughts on it.

CNCF Ambassador

🤩 I'm super excited to have been selected to be part of the new CNCF Ambassadors program! Having been a dev and operator for nearly 30 years who focuses on helping others, I'm drawn to the fantastic impact the CNCF has had in giving people the road map and guidance toward a more proactive and agile IT organization. I've made life-long friends and colleagues at CNCF (and Linux Foundation) events and cherish those great memories.

My goals as an Ambassador are to continue promoting the tooling, workflows, and practices coming out of the various CNCF topics and to continue to mentor others in tech and help people enter the field of cloud native DevOps.

KubeCon course coupon (say that 10 times fast 😆)

💥 I'm at KubeCon in Chicago! Whether you're here or not, take advantage of this sale on all my courses on Udemy. This week only! The price is the lowest allowable! Use coupon code KUBECON_NA23 or click the links below.

Kubernetes Mastery
Docker Mastery
Docker for Node.js
Docker Swarm Mastery

🎧 Podcast

Ep 145: DockerCon 2023 New Features and Tools!

Last week's podcast is my post-DockerCon review. After returning from DockerCon I recorded this where I break down all the product announcements and details from the event. We hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends and colleagues.

You can read all about it and get updates and Links to all the tools, betas, and info in our newsletter post.

Enjoy the YouTube version here.

Topics include:
Docker Scout goes GA
Next-gen Docker Cloud Builder
Docker Debug CLI
WebGPU for macOS
Docker AI
Compose new features
Udemy partnership👨‍💻 What I'm working on

🐦 Tweet of the week

It was so great to see many of the original creators of Docker and OG container people in one place.

👀 In case you missed last week's newsletter

Did you miss last week's newsletter? Read it here.