Bret's Cloud Native DevOps #1

Hey, remember me? I'm your neighborhood Docker and DevOps dude! I know it's been a while, and I'm glad you've hung around all this time! πŸ™ My team and I are re-launching this newsletter and changing the format a wee bit. It'll include my content updates for the week, what's my next big thing, and occasional commentary on headlines I think are relevant from the world of Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud native projects. You can read the newsletter backlogs at

So. Welcome to your first new newsletter, um, again.

NOTE: You may have signed up for this newsletter on Revue, but they closed their doors, so you're now a free member on my website, where I'm also offering "buy me a coffee" memberships similar to my Patreon and YouTube plans.

What’s new this week

πŸš€ Live, Thursdays, 10am Pacific, 1800 UTC

Because the monthly Live Q&A shows are some of the most popular on my channel, I'm adding another Monthly Q&A that focuses on all things cloud native Docker and Kubernetes. My Live shows will now be alternating between a Q&A show and a guest show. Here's todays:

πŸš€ Calendar of future Live shows

Now you can add this gCal (or iCal) to your calendar app and know my Live show topics and guests in advance (and hopefully block your calendar, so you never miss a week πŸ˜‰).

πŸš€ Podcast

We're also releasing a Podcast this week (we release bi-weekly). It's the audio version of the Live show from November 3, 2022, when I had AnaΓ―s Urlichs of Aqua Security on, and we talked about several of their open source tools, including Trivy, tracee, and more. The podcast will be released Friday morning on the podcast apps, but you can get early access to the web version as a newsletter subscriber.

🐦 Tweet of the week

I know there are many ways to access the Kubernetes API remotely. I recently had Infra on the show with their slick CLI, and you might have heard of modern VPNs like Tailscale or Teleport, but sometimes you only need port forwarding, and you'd like a few more features than kubectl port-forward. There's Inlets, or ngrok, but Kelsey thought kubefwd looked cool.

What I'm working on

βœ… Docker Mastery update is live

I've added two sections on Docker+Kubernetes CI/CD automation to the course:

They comprise 19 lectures for a total of 45 minutes. You can get the latest coupon to purchase my courses from my website. Enjoy!

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« I'm speaking at Civo Navigate

The conference is Feb 7 & 8 in Tampa, Florida. On the 8th, I'm giving a Docker 101 "Show + Tell" in the morning and speaking on the Main Stage in the afternoon about methods and tools to tighten up your container security. Steve Wozniak is the main keynote speaker, and I can't wait to see his talk. They've given me a discount code to share with you – FISHERDISCOUNT25 – for 25% off registration.

πŸ•·οΈ Website updates

The website has been redesigned, and more is coming. Unlike the 3-4 posts I'd make a year, it's now getting weekly content like this newsletter and, eventually, podcast show notes, conference talks, and more.

πŸ‘€ In case you missed it

Last week, my Live show featured Depot and my guests were the co-founders, Kyle Galbraith and Jacob Gillespie. If you've never dug into some of the details of Dockers BuildKit, or how you might control easy remote builds from your local CLI, then this episode is for you.

Thinking of becoming a member?

Have you thought about becoming a Member? You can support all my free content and also get benefits by becoming a member on These plans are similar to those on my YouTube and Patreon.

Gratitude Givers

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High Fivers

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Exclusive video & chat channel on our DevOps Discord server.
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β˜…Join my communityβ˜…

New upcoming live course on CI automation and gitops deployments
Best coupons for my Docker and Kubernetes courses
Chat with us and fellow students on our Discord Server DevOps Fans

Talk to ya next week πŸ‘‹