What's new this week
🔴 Live show: Cloud native DevOps AMA
Thursday, Mar 30, 10am Pacific, 1700 UTC
Ask me anything! Matt and I will be taking your questions on containers and cloud native DevOps topics.
🥳 Happy 10th Birthday Docker! I put my courses on sale

🚀 Podcasts
Ep 128: Calico Networking for Kubernetes and More
In this podcast episode, I talk with Calico's Tomas Hruby from Tigera. We discuss how Calico can be used in many places, including Linux, Windows, containers, bare metal, eBPF, or IP tables mode. And many of us have learned about it through the Kubernetes CNI program.
I wanted to learn more about the project so I found their booth at KubeCon in Detroit last year and invited them to my show. The podcast will be released Friday morning on the podcast apps. However, you can get early access to the web version as a newsletter subscriber.
🐳 UPDATE: Docker no longer sunsetting Free Org on Docker Hub
Docker announced on March 24 they are canceling their plans for Free Org sunsetting on Docker Hub and refunding money anyone spent to upgrade. The open source maintainer community was vocal on their confusing plans weeks back, and docker heard their message and stopped all plans to change Hub plans. 🥳

🐦 Tweet of the week
Making the mistakes of the past will continue unless we understand and remember the lessons learned before us. Not every new language, framework, or tool is a new idea and is often built on past works. Those of us that have been around IT for 30+ years remember the pivotal works that changed our minds and influenced a generation of tech workers. We must seek out "old knowledge," or we'll be doomed to make the mistakes of the past.
I'd say 90% of teams that hire me haven't read DevOps Handbook, which is, I guess, why they hire me. I prescribe it first week.
— Bret Fisher (@BretFisher) March 27, 2023
Also, not knowing what 12-Factor is, or having ever read the Agile Manifesto is very common.
Someone needs to make these TikTok's required learning https://t.co/Od8MDDTo3N
👀 In case you missed it
(headlines from last week's newsletter that you can skip if you already read it)
🔴 Docker Hub & Desktop Announcements (Ep 208), Mar 23, 2023
Last week we talked with Justin Cormack, Chief Technology Officer at Docker, and Michael Irwin, Sr. Manager of DevRel at Docker about Docker's latest product releases, including Scout, Telepresence for Docker, and Docker for AI/ML.
🥳 Docker memory lane
Eric Smalling, a friend working at Snyk (and Docker Captain and High Fiver) wrote a great "down memory lane" style accounting of the last ten years.

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Glad you're here, and I'll see ya next week 👋