Bret's Docker Container Resources
On this page
A single list of all my public videos, courses, content, and appearances online talking about Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes, and DevOps. A one-stop-shop for all the things I've created, supported, or recommend for using containers.
My Courses (300,000 students)
- Coupon links for all my Udemy courses including Docker Mastery, Kubernetes Mastery, Swarm Mastery, and Docker for Node.js. 😬🐳
- More course coming: get notified on the newsletter!
My Upcoming Live Workshops
- Taking a break! Whew.
- My past workshops
Follow My Feeds of Content
- 📪Newsletter
- 🎧Podcast
- 📺YouTube Channel (Live Shows Every Thursday)
- 🔴Twitch Live Stream
- 🤔Ask Me Anything
- 📜GitHub Repos
- 👱♂️📔FaceBook Page
My Videos and Conf Talk Videos
- My YouTube Live Docker AMA Q&A
- The Best Ways to Install Docker on Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Playlist of all my YouTube videos (guest appearances, various conferences)
- DockerCon Part 1: Taking Docker to Production DockerCon EU 2017
- DockerCon Part 2: Building Your Swarm Production Stack DockerCon EU 2018
- DockerCon 2019 Talk on Docker for Node.js (code samples, slides, video)
My Live Workshop Slides
- container.training (scroll to the bottom for self-paced versions)
My Popular Article and How-To's
- My Sweet Shell Setup (Oh-My-Zsh + SpaceVim + True Color + Gruvbox)
- It's 2018, is Swarm Dead? and then The Future of Docker Swarm
- The What, Why, and How of the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Certification
- Getting a Shell in the Docker Desktop VM (Windows, macOS)
- Docker Swarm Firewall Ports
- The Best Ways to Install Docker on Windows, macOS, and Linux
- 📖DevOps Paradox book. I'm interviewed in it.
My Ask Me Anything
- Public GitHub Q&A
- My Thoughts on Swarm vs. Kubernetes, or both
- Should you start with a Alpine base image, or stick with Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.?
- How to remotely control a docker host without Docker-Machine
- Pros and Cons of running all Docker Swarm nodes as Managers?
- I'm a developer, how do I become better at Sysadmin or DevOps roles?
- Only one host for production environment. What to use: docker-compose or single node Swarm?
My Docker Sample Projects and Tools
- dogvs.cat: learn from a working open source container tool stack
- Node.js Docker Good Defaults
- PHP/Laravel Docker Good Defaults
- Java Spring sample Docker repo (Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml).
- Browncoat: A simple app that will misbehave on command for testing your container update process
- Stress: A simple Docker app to test memory/cpu limits. Great for testing that limits work correctly in Swarm.
- HPE and Docker White Paper on MySQL Performance Across VM's, Container's, and Bare Metal (I Co-Authored)
- GitHub Repo for the above white paper. Scripts and Dockerfiles for testing your VM and Bare Metal infrastructure with MySQL
- "Vackup" Docker Volume Backup script. Put volumes in images, or export/import them. Maybe not a great idea, but still a handy way to move volumes around.
Windows Containers and .Net
- Best blog, Dockefile examples, and just great content on Windows and .Net (Books, Video courses, GitHubs): Elton Stoneman, Microsoft MVP and Docker Inc. Dev Advocate
- Docker Tab Completion for PowerShell: DockerCompletion
- Best GUI for all common shells (cmd.exe, PowerShell, Bash): cmder.net
- Docker Hub official images for WinAMD64
- Microsoft official images on Docker Hub
- SQL Server for Linux 2017 Docker image
- SQL Server Express for Windows 2017 image
- .Net Core Docker images
- Traditional .Net Framework 3.x and 4.x Docker images
- Traditional ASP.NET 3.x and 4.x Docker images
Docker on ARM and Raspberry Pi
- Alex Ellis blog on Docker and Raspberry Pi
- Hypriot, see there Docker + Pi getting started guide, and their blog
- Building a Docker Swarm cluster on a stack of Pi's
- Building ARM images, and using Docker Desktop with ARM
Other Peoples's Work That I Recommend
- training.play-with-docker.com for great hands-on tutorials in browser
- Official Docker Community on Slack: dockr.ly/community
- HPE White Paper on Linux Container Performance on Servers
- Infographic of Big Tools/Projects
- Awesome Docker: Free training, resources, projects, tools, and more
- LinuxKit: Make your own secure container-based minimal Linux distro (used by Docker for Windows/Mac, Linux Containers on Windows, and more)
- InfraKit - Like a self-healing Terraform
- SwarmProm - Ready to go Prometheus monitoring and alerting template with all the fixin's for Swarm
- ELK Stack for Docker/Compose: Ready-to-go ELK Logging template with all the fixin's
All posts by date
- The Best Ways to Install Docker for Windows, Mac, and Linux, with Tips 2023
- Kubernetes vs. Docker
- My Hacktoberfest 2018 Docker Wishlist: How You Can Help Open Source
- The Future of Docker Swarm 2018-2020
- My DockerCon 2018 Slide and Demo Resources
- Is Swarm Dead? Answered by a Docker Captain.
- Getting a Shell in the Docker for Windows Moby VM
- The What, Why, and How of the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Certification
- DockerCon 17 EU Resources
- 18 of My Favorite DockerCon 2017 Video's
- Node.js Docker "Good Defaults": A Best Practice Template for Node In A Container
- Back From DockerCon17 US: The Best of Austin
- My TL;DR: Docker Version/Name Change Highlights
- Docker Desktop for Mac Commands for Getting Into The Local Docker VM
- 10 Minutes To HA Docker
- DockerHR: DockerCon 2016 Recap