Upcoming Workshops
June 2019 RevolutionConf Virginia Beach: Kubernetes and/or SwarmOctober 2019 GOTO Berlin Kubernetes or Swarm. Get 5% discount on the conference with couponfishergoto
- March 31st KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Tutorial on Docker-to-containerd
- My past workshops
In this totally hands-on training, you'll be guided through creating containers, images, networks, server clusters and more by me, your Docker Captain. I've been a DevOps consultant focusing exclusively on container DevOps for the last 4 years, with over 20 years of working as a ops engineer and sysadmin.
Other key things you'll learn is using Docker Compose, the developer's best friend, and the basics of multi-server orchestration! Practice DevOps and troubleshooting skills while deploying multi-tier apps on server clusters with Swarm and other popular tools. This content will cover over 50% of what’s needed for the Docker DCA certification (We don't do labs with Docker Enterprise, which is needed for full DCA prep).
What you'll learn, and how you can apply it
- Learn how to use Docker and Compose for better software building and testing
- Understand how to build development environments with your code running in containers
- Gain hands-on experience using best practices for making Dockerfiles and Compose files like a pro
- Learn how to build and publish your own custom container images
- Gain experience building a fancy multi-node Swarm cluster for production deployments using real cloud instances
- Discover how to update and change your Swarm services without downtime using rolling updates
- Understand how to use multi-host logging and event monitoring for Docker Swarm

This training is for you because...
You're a developer, DevOps or CI/CD engineer, or ops sysadmin.
- Experience using the terminal or command prompts
- A working knowledge of Linux (e.g., shells, SSH, and package managers)
- A basic understanding of web and database servers, particularly how they typically communicate, IPs, and ports
Hardware and/or installation requirements:
- A laptop with Docker, your favorite text editor, and an up-to-date browser installed
- Create a Docker ID prior to the training course
Docker Captain Bret Fisher teaches you how to create containers, images, networks, and more using Docker Compose. Join in to practice your DevOps skills with a full day deploying multi-tier apps on server clusters with Swarm and other tools. This hands-on course covers over 50% of what’s needed for the Docker DCA certification.

Day 1 (Docker and Compose Basics)
Docker 101 for development
- Why Docker?
- Proper Docker setup
- Your first containers
- Official images
- Building images interactively
- Building images with Dockerfiles
- COPY and multistage builds
- Publishing to Docker Hub
Docker networking
- Network drivers and basics
- Naming and inspecting
- Service discovery with DNS
- Legacy links
Docker Compose
- Local development workflow
- Creating dev stacks
- Advanced Dockerfiles
- Using volumes locally
Day 2 (Swarm and Operations Day)
Deploying multi-tier apps with Compose and Swarm
- Local development workflow
- Example app: Dockercoins
- Compose scale up and down
- SwarmKit and Swarm Mode
Swarm basics
- Creating a swarm
- Adding nodes and services
- Host your own image registry
Swarm operations
- Overlay networks
- Updating services
- Rolling updates
- Health checks
- Netshoot and IPSec
Swarm security
- Swarm secrets
- Raft and Swarm recovery
- APIs and encryption at rest
Swarm third-party tools
- ELK for centralized logging
- Prometheus for centralized monitoring
- Stateful service and volumes